SHE HANDLED IT!® Retirement

An Inspiring and Empowering Financial Guide for Women Over Forty

About the book

In times of crisis, she takes charge at home. When family members fall ill and require extra care, she sacrifices her time and resources, often at her own expense. Women, as primary caretakers, prioritize essential tasks over financial education, which is frequently sidelined. Furthermore, the financial industry often presents education as complex, dull, or inaccessible.

Many women grapple with emotional baggage when it comes to money, often feeling shame and guilt despite no wrongdoing, just due to lack of preparation. Retirement planning should start well before sixty, yet the uncertainty can be daunting. This book offers a comforting solution to alleviate insecurities, offering an engaging, narrative-driven (with less emphasis on data) financial guide. It’s ideal for empowering women without overwhelming them, providing encouragement for both mind and soul.

Arwen Becker, a national speaker, host of the She Handled It!® podcast, and coach to elite financial advisors, draws on her vast experience working with thousands of women striving for retirement success. With humor and raw honesty, she shares her own turbulent journey with money. This unique book, filled with inspiring stories of brave women, reassures you that it’s never too late, even after setbacks. Regardless of your life stage, it will change your perspective on money, offer direction, basic tools, and instill the belief that you can handle it!

Book Testimonials
“this book is anything but conventional, and I couldn’t put it down!”

Amberly Lago

Speaker, Bestselling Author of True Grit and Grace, Podcast Host, TEDx Speaker

“truly inspiring…this book will prepare any woman to believe that a great retirement is within her grasp!”

David Bach

Financial Guru and 10X NYT Bestselling Author, Including Smart Women Finish Rich®

“Weary of stereotypical stories about women and money – then this book is the one you need.”

Sheryl Hickerson

CEO of Females & Finance and host of the Financial Rockstar podcast

“this is not your father’s investment book — this is a new woman’s financial bible. Brava, Arwen!”

Cathy Sikorski, Esq.

National Speaker, Author of Who Moved my Teeth?

“You’ll learn more in this captivating book than you would studying finance textbooks.”

Mickey O’Neill

National Speaker, Radio Host of SuperHealth and Author

“Reading this book is like sitting down with your best girlfriend…funny, raw, and real stories that inspire and inform.”

Marcella Allison

National Speaker, Author of Why Didn’t Anybody Tell Me This Sh*t Before

“Zero question you will become a better version of yourself by reading this book!”

Bill Gillespie

All Time World Record Bench Press Holder, Former Seahawks Strength Coach

“This book will give you the confidence that no matter where you are you can win in your finances and life.”

Eva Macias

National Speaker, Bestselling Author of A Latina’s Guide to Money

“Arwen genuinely understands the financial pitfalls that woman face, that’s makes her new book so refreshing.”

Wendy Posillico

Keynote Speaker, and Founder of Strands of Strength


When Arwen keynotes an event, the audience receives complimentary copies of both her She Handled It!® and They Handled It!® Retirement workbooks. These resources are designed to assist both single and married/coupled attendees in initiating their financial journey systematically and efficiently.

Moreover, they serve as valuable tools for financial advisors, planners, and insurance agents seeking inspiration for their own practice deliverables.

Arwen’s Other Books